Author KoaLollo
Aug. 2, 2024, 8:38 a.m. · 1,108 · 0


AOE LEAGUES Season 11 banner

AOE Leagues is back with Season 11! Sign up for balanced seeding, promotion/relegation, guaranteed fun times and wacky home map choices!

Join the discord to sign up!


AoE Leagues is a recurring 1v1 tournament entering its 11th season, with players split up into skill-based divisions battling it out to gain promotion and avoid relegation going into the next season. The league revolves around each player picking a home map for the whole season, with each group stage set being played out as two games on the players' respective home maps. End of season playoffs follow to crown the division champions, with players drafting from the entire pool of home maps from their division.

Regular showmatches between players of all levels will be held in the run up to the tournament, check out any announcements over on Discord.


Registrations to the tournament are open to all players until the 30th August 2024 over on the Discord server. Players will be seeded based on the average between their current and peak 1v1 RM Elo at the time of registration closure. Start date for the tournament will be the 2nd September 2024 and will run for approximately 8 weeks.