Any player that is not above 1000 is allowed to play in the tournament, as long as their account has least 30 ranked 1v1 games on record, with at least 5 of those in the past 2 months - players may consult a Legend (our moderators) to check on a case-by-case basis.
Groups Stage
Groups organized in seeds by average ELO;
Play all 3
1v1 Conquest ruleset;
Each game win = 1 point; each sweep set win awards another point.
A total of 9 maps from the options below will be randomly chosen during the stream of the “Map Picking Show” for each Groups stage round. After the Groups stage is completed, a total of 5 new maps will be added to the Knockouts stage pool, while 3 from the previous list will be voted to be excluded. Lastly, during the Knockouts, the first map will always be Roman Wall.
These 9 maps are collectively the map pool for that round, and players will use those in the draft, through the draft link made available each round.
Groups stage
Knockouts stage
Roman Wall
Whatever is collected from subs/donations/tips during Decimation Cup II streams on our official Twitch channel will be distributed as prizes in the following manner:
The Champion will partner with Hera for a 2v4 or 2v3 showmatch for the next tournament.
40% of all money collected (at least $20);
12 Gold (in-server currency);
1-month sub to our Twitch channel;
1x Rec Review from Survivalist;
2h Coaching from Oladushek;
Legatus role on server (guaranteed pick on a DG of your choice, chance to win prizes on stream).
15% of all money collected;
1-month sub to our Twitch channel;
1h Coaching from Oladushek;
5 Gold (in-server currency).
1x Rec Review from Survivalist;
Must have gotten at least 3 achievements;
Check #achievements for more information.
10% of all money collected will go towards funding future Decimation Cups;
10% of all money collected will go towards funding future Damnatio Games;
25% of all money collected will go towards other costs and future tournaments (includes bounties, Wololo Play of the Round, etc).