Alltime RM 1v1 Leaderboard for Canada

Country Canada (alltime)
Average Elo 934.6
Min / Max Elo 0 / 2899
Players 9671
Players in Top 100 6
Players in Top 100 (alltime) 1
# Player Rating Streak Matches Wins Losses Win rate Last match
7696th 4 calebglass1990 735 -4 231 112 119 48.48 % 4 months ago
7696th 4 Gmoney 735 -1 73 32 41 43.84 % 1 month, 1 week ago
7696th 4 King Jonathan 735 -1 159 79 80 49.69 % 7 months, 2 weeks ago
7696th 4 Curl Pearl in the Underworld 735 -4 11 2 9 18.18 % 1 year, 8 months ago
7696th 4 Mamba 735 -3 79 38 41 48.10 % 2 days, 12 hours ago
7696th 4 Alexis 735 -1 10 2 8 20.00 % 7 months, 3 weeks ago
7696th 4 Angnli 735 -1 75 33 42 44.00 % 4 days, 17 hours ago
7708th 4 agoravai 734 +4 11 4 7 36.36 %
7708th 4 BarbaganKiller 734 0 0 0 0
7708th 4 LibertyMarine55 734 -5 10 2 8 20.00 %
7708th 4 ElPelicano 734 -3 34 12 22 35.29 %
7708th 4 Wanderer9942 734 +2 53 24 29 45.28 %
7708th 4 BruttoCeffo2594 734 +1 41 18 23 43.90 %
7708th 4 toastedforkman 734 +1 77 32 45 41.56 %
7708th 4 Froth 734 +1 15 4 11 26.67 %
7708th 4 Roussin 734 -7 198 94 104 47.47 % 1 year, 7 months ago
7708th 4 Decebal 734 -3 15 4 11 26.67 % 1 year, 1 month ago
7708th 4 tricked_u 734 +5 152 71 81 46.71 % 7 months, 3 weeks ago
7708th 4 CrazyRussian 734 -1 39 16 23 41.03 % 2 months ago
7720th 4 Vermine_Qc 733 -4 139 64 75 46.04 %
7720th 4 mraz6551 733 -4 17 5 12 29.41 %
7720th 4 KEWIAS 733 0 0 0 0
7720th 4 Daniel 230207225 733 +1 61 30 31 49.18 % 1 year, 10 months ago
7720th 4 Mommy UWU 733 -5 31 9 22 29.03 % 1 year, 1 month ago
7720th 4 RJD01 733 0 0 0 0
7720th 4 SterkyDerky 733 0 0 0 0
7720th 4 RyUuuUX 733 0 0 0 0
7720th 4 Army of Pacifists 733 +1 47 20 27 42.55 %
7720th 4 TRex1944 733 +1 10 2 8 20.00 %
7720th 4 Death 733 -3 39 17 22 43.59 % 10 months, 2 weeks ago
7720th 4 twiceborn2488 733 -4 11 2 9 18.18 % 4 days, 18 hours ago
7732nd 3 TAYAR SMA 732 -1 158 74 84 46.84 %
7732nd 3 TraumaticKhan75 732 0 0 0 0
7732nd 3 cybercow4567 732 -5 11 2 9 18.18 %
7732nd 3 agent_47 732 -5 16 4 12 25.00 %
7732nd 16 QW4TTRO 732 -2 369 180 189 48.78 % 13 hours ago
7732nd 3 Labrume 732 -2 18 6 12 33.33 % 1 year, 2 months ago
7732nd 3 VictorWatch 732 -3 13 3 10 23.08 % 3 weeks, 2 days ago
7732nd 3 Jay 732 -1 11 2 9 18.18 % 4 weeks ago
7740th 4 ButterHands7888 731 0 0 0 0
7740th 4 ForeignPizza243 731 -1 71 30 41 42.25 %
7740th 4 Nawer BZH 731 0 0 0 0
7740th 4 RichMcRichTea 731 -1 10 2 8 20.00 %
7740th 4 BigRed4792 731 -2 195 96 99 49.23 %
7740th 4 alex.feldblioum 731 -4 213 102 111 47.89 % 2 days, 12 hours ago
7740th 4 dragos le nourisseur de carpes 731 -1 26 10 16 38.46 % 2 months ago
7747th 4 Teryell 730 0 0 0 0
7747th 4 Jegue Paulista 730 -11 37 13 24 35.14 %
7747th 4 Yonath 730 -1 15 4 11 26.67 %
7747th 4 bigslavsquatter 730 -3 87 38 49 43.68 %
7747th 4 HalfwayFriend54 730 0 0 0 0
7747th 4 NYFG 730 0 0 0 0
7747th 4 BllzaDkntina 730 0 0 0 0
7747th 4 Nutwaz 730 -1 87 40 47 45.98 % 4 weeks ago
7747th 4 evguy19 730 -5 722 367 355 50.83 % 1 year, 5 months ago
7747th 4 Luider2000 730 +5 55 27 28 49.09 %
7747th 4 jegidong 730 +2 66 26 40 39.39 %
7747th 4 Mediumwellcow 730 -3 13 3 10 23.08 %
7747th 4 rocko_rox 730 +1 17 5 12 29.41 %
7747th 4 abolfadel 730 -1 16 5 11 31.25 % 9 months, 2 weeks ago
7747th 4 Carson 730 -1 23 8 15 34.78 % 9 months, 1 week ago
7762nd 4 FootsoreBulb740 729 0 0 0 0
7762nd 4 Kung Fury 729 -1 26 9 17 34.62 %
7762nd 4 reganbillingsley 729 +2 845 419 426 49.59 % 3 days, 16 hours ago
7762nd 4 Banksnasty 729 +2 141 71 70 50.35 %
7762nd 4 Foodo Fighta 729 -1 16 6 10 37.50 %
7762nd 4 Kastenets 729 +1 110 52 58 47.27 % 6 months, 2 weeks ago
7762nd 4 JeanWic4178 729 -10 12 2 10 16.67 % 1 month, 3 weeks ago
7769th 3 Carolus89 728 -5 303 144 159 47.52 % 4 months, 4 weeks ago
7769th 3 Wallie4290 728 +1 191 94 97 49.21 %
7769th 3 VesperalDwarf90 728 0 0 0 0
7769th 3 Juncales77 728 0 0 0 0
7769th 3 alicat_m 728 0 0 0 0
7769th 3 Sappur2 728 -1 21 7 14 33.33 %
7769th 3 JKoiter 728 +2 45 19 26 42.22 %
7769th 3 samuel.bourassa-blanchette 728 -4 10 1 9 10.00 %
7769th 3 Ruby Nytblossom 728 -1 21 7 14 33.33 % 6 months, 1 week ago
7769th 3 No one 728 -1 70 32 38 45.71 % 1 year, 2 months ago
7769th 3 Monsieur Bryce 728 +2 12 3 9 25.00 %
7769th 3 TheBladelessKnight 728 +1 36 14 22 38.89 % 3 weeks, 4 days ago
7769th 3 AssembledSea610 728 -8 11 1 10 9.09 % 1 year ago
7769th 3 TheLargestTurkey 728 +1 14 4 10 28.57 % 6 months ago
7783rd 3 thiagoorniz 727 0 0 0 0
7783rd 3 Arthias3012 727 0 0 0 0
7783rd 3 Lighted 727 +2 11 2 9 18.18 %
7783rd 3 tomlweeks 727 -1 12 3 9 25.00 %
7783rd 3 Darkage 727 -1 13 3 10 23.08 %
7788th 3 QuietGuy 726 -2 20 6 14 30.00 %
7788th 3 aUNICORNpotato 726 0 0 0 0
7788th 3 Boris 726 0 0 0 0
7788th 3 drewmsphone 726 -1 882 437 445 49.55 %
7788th 3 kuczera777 726 0 0 0 0
7788th 3 J_schwartzenberger 726 +2 16 5 11 31.25 %
7788th 3 smoothjohnston 726 -2 15 4 11 26.67 %
7788th 3 knight_scope 726 +1 41 14 27 34.15 % 1 week, 6 days ago
7788th 3 carlosguu 726 +1 22 6 16 27.27 % 1 year, 7 months ago
7797th 3 RetiringSmile2 725 0 0 0 0
7797th 3 DragoNaranja894 725 0 0 0 0
7797th 3 JonSnuh 725 -2 294 140 154 47.62 % 1 month, 3 weeks ago
7797th 3 AlexPlatin 725 -2 43 18 25 41.86 %