Alltime RM Team Leaderboard for France

Country France (alltime)
Average Elo 1120.5
Min / Max Elo 297 / 3184
Players 23549
Players in Top 100 7
Players in Top 100 (alltime) 1
# Player Rating Streak Matches Wins Losses Win rate Last match
1192nd 1 Gros Dégueulasse 1682 -2 28 20 8 71.43 % 3 months, 3 weeks ago
1202nd 1 Gunter 1681 -6 298 148 150 49.66 %
1202nd 1 GX1001 1681 0 0 0 0
1202nd 1 mouchi 1681 +5 184 92 92 50.00 %
1202nd 1 Gojo 1681 0 0 0 0
1202nd 1 Age of Palissades 1681 +2 107 67 40 62.62 % 1 month ago
1207th 1 Cédric 1680 0 0 0 0
1207th 1 Amy_nona 1680 -4 71 52 19 73.24 %
1209th 1 Fox.Ciskhan 1679 +1 200 145 55 72.50 % 9 months, 1 week ago
1209th 1 Maréchal Leroy 1679 -3 119 69 50 57.98 %
1209th 1 Myth 1679 0 0 0 0
1209th 1 Aylan 1679 +1 23 19 4 82.61 %
1209th 1 TocToc.Lianki 99 1679 -2 735 431 304 58.64 % 2 weeks, 6 days ago
1214th 1 twinpeace [Gustave Francis] 1678 -3 163 75 88 46.01 %
1214th 1 blackbattles6 1678 0 0 0 0
1214th 1 Kjfishytd 1678 +1 54 35 19 64.81 %
1214th 1 HXTHD 1678 +1 177 102 75 57.63 %
1218th 1 Miaou 1677 +1 1413 917 496 64.90 %
1218th 1 Can you read, my son ? 1677 -1 147 84 63 57.14 %
1218th 1 Moulinex 1677 +4 125 73 52 58.40 %
1218th 1 gaet_69 1677 -1 167 72 95 43.11 %
1218th 1 FlotteurLigne23 1677 0 0 0 0
1218th 1 KeshiK 1677 -1 331 148 183 44.71 %
1218th 1 Zaek 1677 0 0 0 0
1218th 1 yopoman 1677 0 0 0 0
1218th 1 SENSASGaspa 1677 +5 152 90 62 59.21 %
1218th 1 poub27 1677 -6 91 48 43 52.75 %
1218th 1 DarWix 1677 -1 478 264 214 55.23 % 1 week, 1 day ago
1229th 2 Amoco29 1676 0 0 0 0
1229th 2 lsDlx 1676 +1 242 114 128 47.11 %
1229th 2 scoob91 1676 -1 555 257 298 46.31 %
1229th 2 OmbryLeMagnifique 1676 +3 70 47 23 67.14 %
1229th 2 Ombry 1676 +3 69 46 23 66.67 %
1234th 2 LePoséidon 1675 -1 1715 1117 598 65.13 % 5 days, 10 hours ago
1234th 2 Shao 1675 +1 161 79 82 49.07 %
1234th 2 Arrkh 1675 -2 172 83 89 48.26 %
1234th 2 Matskifun 1675 0 0 0 0
1234th 2 HotLV Soul 1675 0 0 0 0
1239th 2 Nyvlem59 1674 0 0 0 0
1239th 2 Nuclear_power 1674 -6 88 58 30 65.91 %
1239th 2 AOE_Arnaud 1674 +3 99 57 42 57.58 %
1242nd 2 BenzaiTen 1673 +1 1064 655 409 61.56 % 6 days, 11 hours ago
1242nd 2 Gros Gascon 1673 +9 12 10 2 83.33 %
1242nd 2 Docleon 1673 0 0 0 0
1242nd 2 UnderTheCow 1673 0 0 0 0
1242nd 2 rythdfbtt 1673 +4 44 35 9 79.55 %
1247th 2 Rokafly 1672 +4 836 478 358 57.18 % 5 days, 14 hours ago
1247th 2 Hecktarion 1672 -1 271 135 136 49.82 %
1247th 2 radio6510 1672 -2 111 55 56 49.55 %
1250th 2 AOKI_Yo 1637 -2 2530 1331 1199 52.61 % 9 hours ago
1250th 2 Le Ventru 1671 +1 99 41 58 41.41 %
1250th 2 TubesDeColle 1671 +6 325 166 159 51.08 %
1250th 2 The Sloth 1671 0 0 0 0
1250th 2 Gregorius 1671 -2 405 187 218 46.17 %
1255th 2 GODFULL 1669 0 0 0 0
1255th 2 Wink From Da Hood 1669 0 0 0 0
1257th 2 paul.taborski 1668 0 0 0 0
1257th 2 CordonHomard644 1668 0 0 0 0
1257th 2 Barnibo 1668 0 0 0 0
1257th 2 Douvier 1668 -4 27 15 12 55.56 %
1257th 2 louissama 1668 0 0 0 0
1257th 2 plati 1668 +2 38 32 6 84.21 %
1263rd 2 Kampa 1667 +1 24 15 9 62.50 %
1263rd 2 damien 1667 +1 61 41 20 67.21 %
1263rd 2 Ayetinos 1667 +1 311 181 130 58.20 % 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1266th 3 ROGUE 1666 0 0 0 0
1266th 3 Kabiro 1666 +1 50 38 12 76.00 %
1266th 3 Why is there a hole in my wall ? 1666 -3 136 75 61 55.15 %
1266th 3 HERISSCIK 1666 +3 146 92 54 63.01 %
1270th 3 Aldana 1665 -2 30 20 10 66.67 %
1270th 3 Valtari 1665 -3 245 121 124 49.39 %
1270th 3 12th Doctor Bloup 1665 -2 179 92 87 51.40 %
1270th 3 Sayanel 1665 0 0 0 0
1270th 3 ifcfu 1665 +5 40 33 7 82.50 %
1270th 3 TocToc.GaeLife 1679 +3 923 539 384 58.40 % 7 hours ago
1276th 3 PtitBiscuit 1664 -7 283 134 149 47.35 %
1276th 3 Rémi 1664 -1 72 52 20 72.22 %
1276th 3 kephryx.Zk 1664 +1 135 77 58 57.04 %
1276th 3 Cash Bandicroute 1664 -4 190 92 98 48.42 %
1276th 3 Baraca 1664 0 0 0 0
1276th 3 No Face 1664 +1 998 525 473 52.61 % 9 months, 2 weeks ago
1282nd 3 Si TôT 1663 +1 272 139 133 51.10 %
1282nd 3 Molomo 1663 -1 25 20 5 80.00 %
1282nd 3 Longfire 1663 +1 105 53 52 50.48 %
1282nd 3 Twitch - Rickpie 1663 0 0 0 0
1282nd 3 pizzix 1663 0 0 0 0
1287th 3 Boja 1662 +1 124 70 54 56.45 %
1287th 3 Crottel 1662 -1 289 154 135 53.29 %
1287th 3 Heltene 2k 1662 -1 14 13 1 92.86 %
1287th 3 Gonabby 1662 -3 702 283 419 40.31 %
1291st 3 Vice 1661 -1 124 69 55 55.65 %
1291st 3 Greengo 1661 +1 166 69 97 41.57 %
1291st 3 Lil Mad 1661 0 0 0 0
1291st 3 shokostein 1661 +2 97 44 53 45.36 %
1291st 3 Timmynerve 1661 0 0 0 0
1291st 3 Keking42_142 1661 +1 56 32 24 57.14 %
1291st 72 Ananke 1646 -1 507 298 209 58.78 % 8 hours ago
1298th 2 Merovius 1660 0 0 0 0
1298th 2 Naolàn 1660 0 0 0 0
1298th 2 bubu 1660 0 0 0 0