Ranked RM Team 4v4

1398 -16
1418 -17
1417 -17
Avg. rating 1,361
1372 +15
1432 +13
Avg. rating 1,405
This game was played 1 year, 1 month ago.
Player Civilization Rating
2 dalot Bohemians 1398 -16
4 关中1号突击手 Portuguese 1210 -8
6 everlongly Persians 1418 -17
8 水星 Mongols 1417 -17
Player Civilization Rating
1 TimP Persians 1372 +15
3 狗友狐朋 Mongols 1356 +16
5 DontBirdMePlz Vietnamese 1459 +12
7 GoodLuck Berbers 1432 +13
Game mode Random Map
Location Nomad
Map size Large
Resources Standard
Population 200
Starting Age Dark Age
Ending Age Imperial Age
Treaty Length -
Victory Conquest
Game speed Normal
Team Settings Advanced Settings
  • Lock Teams
  • Teams Together
  • Team Positions
  • Shared Exploration
  • Lock Speed
  • Allow Cheats
  • Turbo Mode
  • Full Tech Tree


Units over time

Units total

Economy Units over time

Economy Units total

Market usage

Why aren't all replays available?

The recorded games are offered directly by Microsoft, not every replay is publicly available also older recorded games seems to get frequently removed.

Why different Point of views?

While each replay contains all game relevant information, there are personal data which only get stored in its individual replay such as the View-Locks, if you want to watch the game from one players perspective you need the specific replay file.