Frequent opponents in RM 1v1

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
Kratos 2 0 0.0 %
GrislyBassoon86 1 1 100.0 %
Cynic Tofty 1 1 100.0 %
PeterWeter 1 1 100.0 %
cedricdurand1 1 1 100.0 %
Vince Kilobasis 1 0 0.0 %
Togiii 1 0 0.0 %
I 1 0 0.0 %
--Apéritif-- 1 0 0.0 %
vivero 1 0 0.0 %
Decipiature 1 0 0.0 %
koopieco 1 0 0.0 %
antoinel21 1 0 0.0 %
Vlad the impaler of your Mom 1 0 0.0 %
GearThunder 1 0 0.0 %
evolk7 1 0 0.0 %
Ramón el Vanidoso 1 0 0.0 %
mangepa2nem 1 0 0.0 %
raghavsp 1 0 0.0 %
Diego 1 0 0.0 %
Proeme 1 0 0.0 %
Mirotvorec62 1 0 0.0 %
Caramiiel 1 0 0.0 %