Frequent teammates in RM Team

Teammate Match count Wins Win rate
BuzZBleys 68 41 60.3 %
Glokken 57 31 54.4 %
_herb 46 28 60.9 %
BuzZ_Bleys 42 37 88.1 %
BuzZ_Sinken 28 17 60.7 %
_42 16 10 62.5 %
Bonshigh 11 5 45.5 %
gw=ar 8 3 37.5 %
Baroque 8 0 0.0 %
sack of potatoes 7 4 57.1 %
魚雷 7 2 28.6 %
[FaFi] thomas.3 7 1 14.3 %
EoK_pr1ston 7 1 14.3 %
哎妈 6 3 50.0 %
The Lord Penguin 6 2 33.3 %
Saaa 6 0 0.0 %
schwarzegarde 6 0 0.0 %
Appelsap 5 5 100.0 %
[LuB]hardy17988 5 4 80.0 %
Damarları Sert Orhan 5 3 60.0 %
Blade_PEC 5 3 60.0 %
Artorias 5 2 40.0 %
uchida_inori 5 2 40.0 %
wnstjdrkd 5 2 40.0 %
Locuss 5 2 40.0 %