Frequent opponents in RM 1v1

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
kingz 4 2 50.0 %
Friendly Sword 3 2 66.7 %
Marc21 3 1 33.3 %
TwitchPlaysRanked 2 2 100.0 %
Magnesium 2 2 100.0 %
Devious 2 2 100.0 %
Alucarsito85 2 2 100.0 %
ZeusAndPancakes 2 2 100.0 %
Bear_Stick 2 2 100.0 %
Dean Gillberry 2 2 100.0 %
Roel 2 1 50.0 %
lordperseve 2 1 50.0 %
Jey 2 1 50.0 %
scott.hurstell 2 1 50.0 %
daescota 2 1 50.0 %
R Blong 2 me 2 1 50.0 %
southpawac 2 1 50.0 %
Denis The 30MMR gameplay 2 1 50.0 %
KingsLanding 2 1 50.0 %
eDoc 2 1 50.0 %
romyrq 2 1 50.0 %
Herkaderkadoo 2 1 50.0 %
Brave Serah Rook 2 1 50.0 %
The Sellemander 2 1 50.0 %
Gukinder 2 1 50.0 %