The Flying Dutch Saucer

aka. Richard the Lionheart
Game Id: 4355878 Is that you? Follow 0

Frequent opponents

Daniez Daniez
41.7 % win
12 matches, 5 wins
Effcet Effcet
54.5 % win
11 matches, 6 wins
Gabolandia5000 Gabolandia5000
20.0 % win
10 matches, 2 wins

Frequent teammates

duk duk
80.6 % win
62 matches, 50 wins
wiebe king wiebe king
56.5 % win
23 matches, 13 wins
tim010 tim010
71.4 % win
21 matches, 15 wins

Win rate by position

Flank Flank
56.6 % win
265 matches, 150 wins
Pocket Pocket
63.2 % win
155 matches, 98 wins

Win rates by match duration

less than 5 min
19 matches, 7 wins
5 - <15 min
217 matches, 74 wins
15 - <25 min
193 matches, 116 wins
25 - <40 min
254 matches, 177 wins
more than 40 min
141 matches, 97 wins

Win rates by civilization

Win rates by opponent civilization

Win rates by map

* Only matches with known results are respected