Paladar Negro

aka. BillTench14, Player name changed with a warning, [TodEs] BillTench14
Game Id: 4850028 Is that you? Follow 0

Frequent opponents

Smolf Smolf
83.3 % win
6 matches, 5 wins
FGK | totti FGK | totti
83.3 % win
6 matches, 5 wins
ReBeL_persi ReBeL_persi
66.7 % win
6 matches, 4 wins

Frequent teammates

[TodEs] JohnWCooke [TodEs] JohnWCooke
53.4 % win
191 matches, 102 wins
Watts Watts
44.4 % win
144 matches, 64 wins
53.9 % win
141 matches, 76 wins

Win rate by position

Flank Flank
53.7 % win
525 matches, 282 wins
Pocket Pocket
54.1 % win
503 matches, 272 wins

Win rates by match duration

less than 5 min
28 matches, 16 wins
5 - <15 min
28 matches, 22 wins
15 - <25 min
104 matches, 60 wins
25 - <40 min
361 matches, 218 wins
more than 40 min
634 matches, 323 wins

Win rates by civilization

Win rates by opponent civilization

Win rates by map

* Only matches with known results are respected