Flack Borest

aka. Johliz
Game Id: 4873117 Is that you? Follow 0

Frequent opponents

DizzyLeChuck DizzyLeChuck
60.0 % win
5 matches, 3 wins
AoR.StubbyTheAngryBeaver AoR.StubbyTheAngryBeaver
75.0 % win
4 matches, 3 wins
danielninosampe danielninosampe
50.0 % win
4 matches, 2 wins

Frequent teammates

Smithlord Smithlord
51.5 % win
824 matches, 424 wins
The Yeehaw Puppy The Yeehaw Puppy
48.7 % win
667 matches, 325 wins
Persian Princess Persian Princess
49.4 % win
640 matches, 316 wins

Win rate by position

Flank Flank
51.3 % win
119 matches, 61 wins
Pocket Pocket
50.1 % win
637 matches, 319 wins

Win rates by match duration

less than 5 min
29 matches, 8 wins
5 - <15 min
38 matches, 11 wins
15 - <25 min
63 matches, 18 wins
25 - <40 min
208 matches, 83 wins
more than 40 min
543 matches, 320 wins

Win rates by civilization

Win rates by opponent civilization

Win rates by map

* Only matches with known results are respected