
aka. Altcineva, Bad aim, BadAgePlayer
Game Id: 551021 Follow 0
2 5

Achievement overview

The player-awarded distinctions shown here recognize a wide range of playstyles, achievements, and in-game decisions in Age of Empires 2. These awards are granted based on performance metrics, strategic behavior, and sometimes even unusual or humorous gameplay choices. Whether a player demonstrates exceptional micro or macro management, impressive speed and multitasking, clever use of the map, or success with non-traditional tactics, the awards serve to highlight individual strengths. Some focus on efficiency and skill, while others reward creativity, boldness, or commitment to a specific strategy. Altogether, the awards listed here provide a fun and meaningful way to reflect on and celebrate how each player approaches the game.

Special Awards

Feudal? Never Heard of It
Special Award
Special Award

1st level achievements

Level 1
The Accountant
Level 1
Micro Machine
Level 1
Button Masher
Level 1