
aka. like pp, rabbit, white killer
Game Id: 5924454 Is that you? Follow 0

Frequent opponents

月眠 月眠
66.7 % win
15 matches, 10 wins
小菜鸡 小菜鸡
60.0 % win
15 matches, 9 wins
萨拉丁·本·阿尤布 萨拉丁·本·阿尤布
72.7 % win
11 matches, 8 wins

Frequent teammates

月眠 月眠
87.8 % win
49 matches, 43 wins
萨拉丁·本·阿尤布 萨拉丁·本·阿尤布
84.8 % win
33 matches, 28 wins
Redd Redd
85.7 % win
14 matches, 12 wins

Win rate by position

Flank Flank
79.5 % win
88 matches, 70 wins
Pocket Pocket
65.5 % win
116 matches, 76 wins

Win rates by match duration

less than 5 min
10 matches, 3 wins
5 - <15 min
14 matches, 7 wins
15 - <25 min
18 matches, 7 wins
25 - <40 min
44 matches, 32 wins
more than 40 min
164 matches, 128 wins

Win rates by civilization

Win rates by opponent civilization

Win rates by map

* Only matches with known results are respected