Frequent teammates in RM Team

Teammate Match count Wins Win rate
Locuss 185 115 62.2 %
Lauth3 143 88 61.5 %
Ayetinos 106 61 57.5 %
revzpsy 89 59 66.3 %
BoyWonder_ 86 57 66.3 %
OS | dreamerion92 60 32 53.3 %
Googolplex 59 40 67.8 %
Youtube / Saqo Age of empires 2 45 27 60.0 %
Simmo 26 14 53.8 %
Osiris 25 17 68.0 %
Pollux 25 12 48.0 %
usain_bolt 24 17 70.8 %
Alzza0112 24 14 58.3 %
F A L C O N 2 1 _ z Z 23 16 69.6 %
Doudou_ 19 15 78.9 %
I swear she was 18 19 8 42.1 %
Bloodyhk 18 11 61.1 %
Le Toxic Le Mad 18 10 55.6 %
RedBastard 17 10 58.8 %
sevolus 17 10 58.8 %
原来你的心中已经有人代替 16 12 75.0 %
The nicest husband 16 9 56.3 %
DMeadows 15 10 66.7 %
Foraning 15 9 60.0 %
SirBrenner 15 7 46.7 %