Frequent opponents in RM Team

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
AfT3R-M4th 5 1 20.0 %
dap 5 1 20.0 %
Dino_M 5 0 0.0 %
BFA | Chris Bosh the Dinosaurman 4 4 100.0 %
500000000000Leader 4 4 100.0 %
23 4 4 100.0 %
Augusta 4 3 75.0 %
[VA] Pocket de Schrödinger 4 3 75.0 %
gooner04 4 3 75.0 %
Cien Ojos 4 3 75.0 %
Champ_QC 4 3 75.0 %
jskyen 4 3 75.0 %
taisho84 4 3 75.0 %
Grug 4 3 75.0 %
杰宝宝 4 3 75.0 %
Yucatan_water_supremacy 4 3 75.0 %
LuckyYou 4 3 75.0 %
Albatross1117 4 3 75.0 %
Age of Empires 4 3 75.0 %
FC | The Finrod Felegund 4 3 75.0 %
AP_pcch 4 3 75.0 %
AP_jccw 4 3 75.0 %
[KT] Dragon Shyriu 4 3 75.0 %
ReBeL_persi 4 3 75.0 %
[MiPB] C4rv4lho 4 3 75.0 %