Frequent teammates in Unranked

Teammate Match count Wins Win rate
Veritas of the Dark 4 3 75.0 %
Wizzy 4 3 75.0 %
conoco 4 3 75.0 %
Mr.J 4 3 75.0 %
JokaDaJesta 4 3 75.0 %
Coelancanth 4 3 75.0 %
Wendysmanager69 4 3 75.0 %
tz 4 3 75.0 %
Lord Brosiah 4 3 75.0 %
Elite petard 4 3 75.0 %
PREPARE UR A$$HOL 4 2 50.0 %
Const 4 2 50.0 %
jaylin700110 4 2 50.0 %
Howie 4 2 50.0 %
CaptKewl 4 2 50.0 %
hxp_william 4 2 50.0 %
PopCappedPig 4 2 50.0 %
LSJQ2013 4 2 50.0 %
Barón de la Cerveza 4 2 50.0 %
BreadNmilk 4 2 50.0 %
九灵 4 1 25.0 %
4 1 25.0 %
ChalupaBatman 4 1 25.0 %
noob_linyu 4 0 0.0 %
eyeslikeatarget 3 3 100.0 %