Frequent opponents in RM 1v1

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
[LG]Hodenkobold 1 0 0.0 %
klausmannxx 1 0 0.0 %
SANVAL 1 0 0.0 %
FLEJEUNE 1 0 0.0 %
scotch27 1 0 0.0 %
Darth Marky 1 0 0.0 %
DR.SHAZ28 1 0 0.0 %
Scorpion 1 0 0.0 %
obese player 1 0 0.0 %
ProteusG 1 0 0.0 %
aceszio 1 0 0.0 %
Jesuskomplex 1 0 0.0 %
Gustav II Adolf 1 0 0.0 %
TillableSoup146 1 0 0.0 %
The Lord of the Dance 1 0 0.0 %
UMP master 1 0 0.0 %
Mr. Cinderella 1 0 0.0 %
Eswizz444 1 0 0.0 %
BlueShadow 1 0 0.0 %
jahmaanyque 1 0 0.0 %
Victorias 1 0 0.0 %
Salahadin 1 0 0.0 %
AO_lord dekko 1 0 0.0 %
电钻 1 0 0.0 %
Miss_Freya 1 0 0.0 %