Frequent opponents in Unranked

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
DK_Wolfbrigade 3 2 66.7 %
Tito_96 3 2 66.7 %
AAOE | Raff0s 3 2 66.7 %
MHT. Ackerman 3 2 66.7 %
DGHIR |VinoconSandia 3 2 66.7 %
DS_MUERTE 3 2 66.7 %
[CL] The Desert Fox 3 2 66.7 %
santiagoap 3 2 66.7 %
jeap95 3 2 66.7 %
Samsito 3 2 66.7 %
mano 3 2 66.7 %
Lucelar 3 2 66.7 %
sidewire 3 1 33.3 %
Rambo30624700 3 1 33.3 %
Inkas'A | KotyanCach 3 1 33.3 %
Uscitmalamente 3 1 33.3 %
The-Antagonistt 3 1 33.3 %
Dr. Lataro 3 1 33.3 %
SUP3R13EA5T 3 1 33.3 %
epsilon empire 3 1 33.3 %
mogambokabhatija 3 1 33.3 %
amobe1190 3 1 33.3 %
Manolo el sin manos 3 1 33.3 %
Alexander the conqueror 3 1 33.3 %
Superhero55 3 1 33.3 %