Frequent opponents in RM 1v1

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
Ny4 8 3 37.5 %
repard 8 3 37.5 %
DS_LobodeLaNieve 8 3 37.5 %
DS_UrekMazino 8 3 37.5 %
comastar 8 2 25.0 %
OS+ | TeMo 8 0 0.0 %
Homo-sex 7 7 100.0 %
LePoséidon 7 6 85.7 %
Fool of a Took 7 6 85.7 %
TAG_Rayz 7 6 85.7 %
輕鬆玩 7 6 85.7 %
King-Gua神 7 6 85.7 %
Lamo 7 5 71.4 %
mentalist_ 7 5 71.4 %
Noszombie 7 4 57.1 %
S1mulated w 7 4 57.1 %
CIS Champion 7 4 57.1 %
MrDoDo 7 4 57.1 %
墨笔丹心 7 4 57.1 %
Dfx2, l'Immondice 7 4 57.1 %
rush to the list 7 4 57.1 %
OwD_Leonidas 7 4 57.1 %
DS_Uzzi 7 3 42.9 %
[SiG] OnLeKe 7 3 42.9 %
Fox.Capout 7 3 42.9 %