Frequent opponents in RM Team

Opponent Match count Wins Win rate
Red 2 1 50.0 %
Kenchito 2 1 50.0 %
jacob.w.anderson1 2 1 50.0 %
marshall_o18 2 1 50.0 %
Bóbr 2 1 50.0 %
rinky_ke_daddy 2 1 50.0 %
AuthenticJimmy 2 1 50.0 %
KakashiSenpai 2 1 50.0 %
Arvid van Katteker 2 1 50.0 %
[T41] Indian War Lord 2 1 50.0 %
SperTs 2 1 50.0 %
Chimalpopoca 2 1 50.0 %
chif010 2 1 50.0 %
lepigbig 2 1 50.0 %
Zomah 2 1 50.0 %
Ewok3000 2 1 50.0 %
Icerock 2 1 50.0 %
Nervous Pooper 2 1 50.0 %
Dan the magic man 2 1 50.0 %
TheProtagoniist 2 1 50.0 %
851332772 2 1 50.0 %
OverladenSnake6 2 1 50.0 %
CEO of Bananas 2 1 50.0 %
Billary Clinton 2 1 50.0 %
KOAR.Antkaped 2 1 50.0 %